viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008


These days I feel I'm a failure. I don't really know why, it's just the fact that I have a lot of things on my plate, and I don't really feel I am living up to all my commitments/expectations.
It is hard to tell, it might just be that I give myself a lot of pressure, but I constantly feel I am failing or just not living up to my friend's and loved ones expectations.
I.E. today I had to say I'm so sorry at least two times to people I really care about....
It is funny because I feel people think I don't care, or that my failure is just a lack of commitment or interest, and it couldn't be further away from the truth.
So, I guess this is the real question, in a world were the people that should be supporting you are entirely failing you, e.g. your father, how do you break the cycle and make those ones you care about feel your support and backing?
To me, this is a question of the utmost importance, since as life gets more complicated, dealing with people's expectations will not only get harder, but it will get more and more critical for everything.
I don't know, but it is in part because of that why I sometimes feel like being lonely and distancing myself from others, I don't wanna go around hurting my friends and breaking hearts.....

What else, I didn't get the Milan job, so time to start thinking more seriously about next year.....

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